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Competiton Teams

​For experineced dancers who want to compete on a competitive team. We have various levels of competition teams. The ages for the competitive teams are

*Elementary K-5,

*Jr High 6-8

*HS 9-12.

We do take students that are out of high school between the ages of 18-25 

To be apart of this team students are required to tryout and take summer classes. All dancers need to know and be enrolled in ballet, jazz and hip hop. Tap classes are optional but are recommended. Additional fees can be added for additional costumes, jackets, shirts etc. Ages from 5-25 years are welcomed 

Competition Teams Levels
Novice: Beginners-0-2 years dance experience Baby Bella's
Intermediate: 2-3 years dance experience Jr. Bella's
Advance: 3 years plus dance experience Lady Bella's
Bella Elites: Advance dancers that have been on the competitive team for at least on year.
*More detailed information by director of studio for who are interested. 




​The recital is a show that gives the dancers an opportunity to perfom for family and friends in a professional setting wih costumes and stage lights. Perfomances will from range tap, lyrical, hip hop and many more. The cost for recital participation includes purchasing a cosumes for each class and is non-refundable.  


Fee: The recital fee covers cost of the production.

 There will be no admissions fee for student's immediate family

(Mother,Father, Brother/Sister) All other guest will be charged at door.


*More information for recital will be provided in the spring

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